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Our latest events & news updates

Q&A Catherine
16. July 2024

Catherine Hayes

Following on in our series of spotlighting the incredible team members who make up Orifarm Clinical Trial Supplies, meet Catherine Hayes, Head of Business Intelligence... Click here to read the full Q&A

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CT In Onc Post (2)
25. June 2024

Clinical Trials in Oncology East Coast 2024

We'll be at Clinical Trials in Oncology East Coast 2024 in Boston, MA in 2 weeks time! Stop by booth #17 to say hi to our CTS experts Reece Thomas and Alex Cole and find out how we can support your clinical trial supply needs. See you there...

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LI Training
19. June 2024

LinkedIn Team Training

What an interesting and invaluable day we had yesterday with Mark White, teaching the Orifarm CTS team about LinkedIn! We're committed to training and developing the skills of our team, and we definitely learnt a lot from this session. We're looking forward to putting our training into practice...

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Key Questions Article
29. May 2024

Article- Evaluating Partner Capabilities For Supply Chain Excellence

Do you know the key questions to ask your Clinical Trial Supply Partner? In this article we delve in the essential criteria needed to access your partners capabilities. Click here to read...

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Q&A Tony
23. May 2024

Q&A- Tony Street

At Orifarm CTS, our strength lies in our incredible team. Today, we're excited to introduce our new Q&A series where we shine a spotlight on the amazing individuals who drive our success. First up... Tony Street, Vice President Orifarm CTS and General Manager, UK Sales Click here to read the full Q&A

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Clinical Trials Day L
20. May 2024

World Clinical Trials Day

Today, we commemorate World Clinical Trials Day, a day dedicated to recognising the critical role clinical trials play in advancing medical research and improving patient care. This day marks the anniversary of the first-ever clinical trial conducted by James Lind on May 20, 1747.🔬 A Glimpse into History:On this day in 1747, Scottish physician James Lind conducted what is considered the first controlled clinical trial aboard a ship suffering from scurvy. Lind's innovative approach and dedication to scientific rigor laid the foundation for modern clinical trials.Key Milestones in Clinical Trials History:1747: James Lind's scurvy trial demonstrates the importance of controlled experiments.1940s: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) emerge, setting the gold standard for clinical research.1964: The Declaration of Helsinki establishes ethical guidelines for conducting medical research.1990s: The rise of global clinical trials fosters international collaboration in medical research.Present Day: Advances in technology and methodology continue to evolve, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical trials.As we reflect on the history and progress of clinical trials, let's celebrate the collective efforts that drive medical advancements and continue to strive for a healthier future. 🌍

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